søndag den 2. september 2012

Survival,bloodbowl and brew!

Last post I thought about how ready I was if anything went wrong. Though we play survivors in the games we play, many of us are actually not ready at all. Me inclusive that is. I am not pointing fingers, I am nopt telling you to stock up on food, water and guns and build a bomb/zombie/hurricane shelter.

Rovanite had a sword near his bed and Gnotta was ready to grab his wife and run for the hills. 
How many of you outthere can make fire without a lighter?
How many can disinfect water to make it safe for drinking?
How many of you know basic first aid?

May I recommend the book from Cody Lundin "When all hell breakes loose". And think about first aid, you never know when you will actually be needing it. I do hope you will be lucky enough never to have to use it. And I hope that if you are the unlucky part, that somebody close by you know first aid in order to help you.

Well enough rambling from me on this...For now... 

At the club the game BLOODBOWL have come up again. I found my old Norse team forth from the cold dungeon and used last weekend to paint them. Last Tuesday they went on the pitch against Highelves. A comfortable win of 4-0!! Good season start!

I have named the team SLAGMARKENS HELTE. Roughly translated it means The heroes of the battlefield. Our club is named SLAGMARKEN/BATTLEFIELD. And yes they got names after our members in the club hehe...

This is the start of a little adventure for me. My pugs are checking the stuff out to make sure it is nothing dangerous. These I got for absolutely free from a mate! I still need some stuff in order to make this workable, oh and ofcourse 10 kilos of honey!

And to end this blogpost please go back up and have a look at my banner! "Creatures of the night" By the very talented Lone Søderberg!!! The BRAINS AND GUTS is not on the painting.
It is pretty damn cool if you ask me!!!

25 kommentarer:

  1. I'm a qualified first aider and have a morning star on my night stand but that's about it at the moment, nice team by the way, I'd love to do Blood Bowl but the Rejects would reject me!

    1. It is a good start mate!
      Good to hear about first aid. Is that through the work?

    2. Yep, we all had to take the 1st aid course at work, we even had to learn how to use a de-fib. Next time Fran falls asleep at work I may give it a go test!

    3. Hehe good to hear that you have paid attention in class. And it is always good to practice!!

  2. So what's brewing, Johnny? I'm guessing with that amount of honey it'll be mead. Oh, and congrats on the Bloodbowl win. It's always good to see the elves get a pasting!

    1. You are quite right mate! Mead it is!

      And your comment on the elves.... YOU AND ME BOTH!!!

  3. I know basic first aid, but Kate is qualified in it. I have my samurai sword and an ASP baton in my draw. Umm I know how to purify sea water (science experiment in school), not sure how to purify toxic stuff though. No idea how to start a fire without flint stones or matches!! I may get blisters trying to rubs sticks together fast enough haha

    Congrats on the many wins over the elves!! :D

    1. That is great to hear! I know a bit about cleaning saltwater but not enough I think.

  4. Nice BB Team cool name as well. Which one is you then? I'm intrigued as to what you are upto with those rather large bottles and honey?

    1. I am the coach towering above the others ofcourse hehe.

      And I am about to make some mead!!!

  5. Yo dude I'd love to play your norse team against either of my human or Norse. If your making mead I havex a great reciepe and a book for you if your interested.

    1. I have a recipe to try out now. Really looking forward to get this going!

  6. Hmm...this Johnny is being suspicous...first he tells us not to hoard foods and stuff, then he goes and starts making his own distiller! :O

    Nice team. Nobody here plays that, but I've seen some armies (teams?) for the game online and I was always thinking how fun project converting some minies for the game could be.

    If I am correct, it is impossible to get a hold of these rules nowadays?

    Love the picture, it has a nice contrast and I could swear I see little hearts splashing from the friendly looking zombies! :)

    1. Hehe well it will not hurt to have a little extra you know.

      You can find the rules at games workshop online mate.

      It could be pieces of heart......

    2. PIVVV Meant to be a dark and scary zombie like painting/collage, and you say they look friendly and with hearts splashing out??

      He he, well I tried :))

  7. Hiya

    Where is the Slagmarken klub placed? I would love to come by and play some Blood bowl :)

    And which rules are you using for your zombie games? Have been searching the net high and low for rules but havn't really found anything.

    Grats on the 4/0 victory :)

    1. Islev skole. Vi er der om tirsdagen.

      Zombie rules kører jeg efter BETTER DEAD THAN ZED. Fra 2 hour wargames.

    2. Islev Skole??
      Nice...det er jo lige rundt hjørnet fra Brønshøj :)

      Jeg kigger forbi når jeg kommer hjem fra min udmønstring. (Er sømand).
      Har I en hjemmeside ?

    3. ravneborg.com tror jeg nok. Bruger dog mest kun facebook.

      Men send mig en mail på lordsiwoc@gmail.com jeg arbejder selv i herlev

  8. I'm really liking your posts of late, hopefully that isn't your house in the first pic.... Bring on the mead!

    1. Cheers mate!

      And no...That is not my house....

  9. Nice looking Blood Bowl team.
    I am pretty certain if any sort of Apocalypse comes, I'm among the first to be buried.

    1. And one of the first to arise..


  10. I Was sure I had commented this one, it seems I'm getting old! ;-)
    Really nice team you've got here, Perhaps, our teams Will beat themselves senseless one day! :-)
