søndag den 21. september 2014

State trooper Siwoc

From ACROSS THE DEAD EARTH comes The State. We Beta testers got to be immortalised as miniatures. Yes....That is yours truly in the middle. As a scout trooper. The miniatures have been made and below are 2 examples. The first is from The artificer, brilliant paintjob! And the second is from our own little blogger Brummie!

Really like both styles.Looking forward to getting hold of the miniature myself and ofcourse the rest of the state team. Just for fun....I thought of getting hold some pictures done of me as Scout Siwoc. With the help of a friend (Thanks Niels) and Lone, my lovely girlfriend who was the photographer, the results are here below.

When she could stop laughing or giggling she managed to make some pretty good shots of me. And she double as a lookout as we had a couple of people doing a double take when they spotted me! 

And just for the delight of Simon, please have this little piece of music playing as you watch the last picture:

And with that......I will depart again. I have miniatures to paint!

16 kommentarer:

  1. Well that helps to explain why the figure is wearing the mask. Cool photos!

  2. He he I expect you to paint yours like in the top photos of you

    1. I will, you can be sure of that. If I get hold of one more then I will do both!

  3. If any passers by had seen you (especially in that last picture!) then how would you have explained what you were doing :-) ?

    1. The last picture was from our own garden. So no problem there. But yes we has some passed by. Those on bike did a double take and took off hehe. The girl with the dog just laughed.

  4. Svar
    1. I take what I get. But not high expectations.

  5. I think you need to repaint the model adding a greenstuff tutu dress!

  6. Definitely one of the better looking models in this series and you should really reconsider the mead intake.

    1. Yes...You are right...It is far too low!!!

  7. Why didn't they use your last image as the inspiration for the miniature? :)
