søndag den 18. august 2013

The sound of silence

 I am still alive!!! Though life saw me having a good time and decided a bit of stress and stuff to do! Concert with TENACIOUS D! Freaking brilliant!!! I am seen wearing an appropiate t-shirt from that show. We also did a day with LIGHTS OUT. A bit of a let down. Here in the summer, all we actually missed was our phones and the computers. We had light and we made a barbecue. I think for the LIGHTS OUT to have an effect you need to do it in the winter. Still...Having a day with no access to technical stuff was nice.

Had a nice holiday with my family close to the german border. Relaxing and playing games, having fun and drinking mead! And I noticed this in a border shop. Some kind of liquer with raspberries in. Now...Being me with a twisted mind...All I see is small brains floating around!!!

 See this? Nice plane right? I mean to thrash it! Terain piece for my post apocalypse setting!

 This is a picture from the store I work at. We have just finished buying the next collection for spring 2014. And we daily get boxes of clothes for our Autum 2013 collection. Checking we get what we ordered, invoice needs to be checked, prices, and then...SELL THE DAMN LOT! I also take care of our decoration inside of the shop.

Oh and I am thinking about a little competition. Just to make it up to you about the downtime here. Just need to figure out what you have to do to enter it...

8 kommentarer:

  1. That raspberry thing seems drinkable. Here, you aren't really going out until you had a shot of the same thing, but with blue berries :P

    Where you got that sexy plane from? It seems pulpy enough to be useful :P

  2. I like the idea of trashing that plane for a terrain piece! I look forward to seeing it done :D

    I see what you mean with winter, darker nights and colder outside is more perfect for zombies... but barbeques are always a winner too...as long as you didn't cook an zombies right?? :P

  3. Good to hear you're around and kicking, we sometimes do the lights out thing but only due to issue with the bills. Did you say competition?

  4. I've been trying to work out what type of plane it is, but I can't be sure from the picture. Perhaps a Hawker Tempest? Undercarriage looks wrong for that, though...

    Raspberries in Armagnac? Sounds nice - would go well with some vanilla ice cream and a shortbread finger or a wafer biscuit of some sort. And try not to think too much of brains...

  5. Cheers guys. Yes I did say competition ;-)

    Plane is from REVELL: T-28B TROJAN (The flying bulls)

    Not tried the "drink" and since I just bought this one, it will stay on the shelf!

  6. Aww well, I bet it was a peaceful day with no tech stuff to distract and annoy :D.

    Drink sounds nice, not my cup of tea though :D

    Look forward to seeing the terrain piece.

  7. The shop looks far to cool and trendy for me I am an old fuddy duddy. I am glad the lights out day was not too taxing. yes you could do it in the winter, but maybe spring or autumn might be less cold and still get the same effect.

    The drink looks very interesting but having lived in Germany I'll have an "Ald" Beer.

  8. You sound revitalised, but I can't help thinking that "Looking at Alcohol" doesn't make sense.
    I'm betting that the crew figures for the plane are going to be used too (even just as casualties).
