søndag den 29. juni 2014

We interrupt this blog....

For a bit of something else. We have 2 pugs. Lovely furballs. One of them is however sick at the moment. A small scarring in the eye. At worst case she will loose the eye. She is still happy with tail wagging. Or actually...With a pug...It is the bottom wagging! Here is hoping the best for her. She is getting serum, anitibiotika and lots of love.

I have nothing zombie/post apocalyptic to show you this time.That is not to say I have done nothing on the hobby. At my club we have a small competition. Paint your miniatures. If you win the vote of one month, you get to decide what will be painted for next month. First we had HEAVY/TANK. Then ELITE/SPECIALIST. All game systems are allowed. This month (June) was TROOP:

Boots all got glossy varnish in order for them to look like freshly polished. Standards must be maintained, war or no war!

12 kommentarer:

  1. Hope everything goes well with the pug Johnny!

  2. All lovely and red! Hope the Pug's ok??

  3. We have a dog too; I never thought that I'd say this but it's hard to imagine life without him! Hope your pug gets better soon.

    As for your Iron Guard (did I get that right?), it's a little hard to make out the details because the pictures are a bit washed out. I think I'd make the weapons a bit darker, so that they don't take the attention away from the colourful jackets and epaulettes (and the shiny shoes!).

  4. Here's hoping all goes well.

  5. Best wishes to your pup!

  6. I hope that all goes well for your pet. How quickly they become a part of the family.

  7. Oh, you only have two pugs? For some time, I could swear you had 4. And then 3. I hope Vera (what a lovely name, I know an old lady with that name :P) gets better soon!

    Those are nice guards, too. Looking at all the 40k stuff people post really makes me want to make some soul drinkers (mutated marines! :D), but the prices and people playing this game in general kinda ruined it for me.

  8. Hope you Pug is okay Johnny

  9. Hope everything goes well for your pug

  10. Nice guardsmen.
    Hope your little friend is OK.
    Remember do pugs not drugs kids.

  11. I'm sure everything will be ok for your four legged friend, my best wishes my friend.
    Ps: nice work with your Guards. have you already tried the new codex? I have used it last sunday and I should say it got potential..
    Commenting from my mobile.

  12. Thank you for all the get well wishes. I am sure it helps! She is recovering ANd it seems the progress is good so far!

    Guard is pretty good. Not yet tried them in 7th edition.
