lørdag den 25. februar 2012

Not lazy...

Though I have no zombies to show you this time. Boo hoo I hear you say? Well I have not been lazy, as you will notice in the following pictures....This is the chaos of my mancave. Puppets war, Confrontation and Warlord are the miniatures mostly using my attention right now. But there is a bit of work on some terrain, my Necronomicon and some survivors. 

Hmm the last picture here is a bit blurred. The effect of the unfinished Necronomicon seem to have some power already.... There is a bit of news in the first picture that will become a blogpost on a later note though. I finally found something for my city AND a friendly gentleman is sending me more of this.Confused? Hehe... You will have to wait and see what it is. But I am looking forward to it.

In other news....I have been gaming with 5150 rules together with my mate Kim. These rules are made by the same who gave us ALL THINGS ZOMBIE. While it was fun we modified the tables a bit to better suit our needs. (Kim loves this game as he has finally found a game where he can kick my ass!) And now we have both set our eyes on ATZ. He is making some cards to represent what may be found in houses/rooms and some of the tables will be modified to get a quicker gameflow. 

I sorely lack police officers/SWAT/hazmat guys. Money are low at this time (Non existent) so I will have to see what my dungeon may have I can use as stand ins when we get the games started. We may encounter something like that.... Oh and at the living lead forum we had a topic concerning civillians (non armed). I realized I had......Let me count again...Ho hum.....NONE!!!! Bugger.....  I have to take a look in the junk to see if we can use something...

13 kommentarer:

  1. Good to hear it! Having abit of a floaty week myself finished nothing but done bits on allsorts!

  2. Looks a very busy mancave! No bacon for a month, then you'll be able to afford some coppers and some Gravesend pikeys!

  3. No problem there sir, every zombie can be an unarmed civilian once!

  4. Keep at it feller, it'll all come out in the wash.

  5. That's a drastic solution from Ray. No bacon! For a month!! Ye gods, that's harsh!

  6. Ray....Are you out of your bloody mind?!

    Besides...Bacon is cheap here in Denmark.... Most of the bacon that is also sent to the UK is actually made here in DK. ;-)

    I may have to cut down on something in order to get me my fix...

  7. No zombie?? Boooooh...
    No bacon?? PANIC!!!!!

    I really like the Necronomicon, even if his obscure powers began to shows...

  8. You can't beat Danish bacon. I remember the ads from when i was a nipper. The book looks grand.

  9. No bacon... the Apocalypse is here! Get my guns. Oh, sorry. The Necronomicon is really looking good.

  10. I'm jealous of your mancave, despite what lookslike complete pandemonium; i hope to have my own within a month though.
    I think we're all probably agreed that the only thing better than a bacon sandwich is two bacon sandwiches and that the only thing better than two bacon sanwiches is two Danish bacon sandwiches !

  11. I must say, I am jealous of those of you with mancaves that have such nice windows. My cave does have a window, but the setup is such that I am not so near it.

    You will be needing some cops, but I wouldn't worry about getting tons of SWAT and regular cops. For the purposes I think you can use cops as SWAT or SWATS as regular cops in a pinch.

  12. Nice man cave you have there, there is nothing worse than a neat man cave, hehehe.

  13. No bacon? ;) Little bits of progress here and there is still progress.
